
3 teorie wszystkiego – Ellis Potter

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3 teorie wszystkiego - Ellis PotterCzym jest rzeczywistość? Jaki jest sens życia? Dlaczego cierpimy?

W tej zwięzłej książce międzynarodowy mówca Ellis Potter przedstawia trzy główne światopoglądy proponujące radykalnie odmienne odpowiedzi na te odwieczne pytania?

Jasnym i przykuwającym uwagę językiem Potter pokazuje, że te trzy światopoglądy i unikalna dla każdego z nich nadzieja, jaką oferują ludzkości, dają w rezultacie głęboko różniące się spojrzenia na codzienną rzeczywistość i na cel naszego życia.

O autorze:
Były mnich buddyjski. Przez dziesięć lat był pastorem w kościele anglojęzycznym w Bazylei. Obecnie wykładowca międzynarodowy. Przez wiele lat pracował z Francisem Schaefferem w L’Abri Fellowship w Szwajcarii.

Dane książki

liczba stron: 110
format: 125×205 mm
oprawa: miękka
rok wydania: 2013
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo TE-EM

O autorze w j. angielskim

Ellis Potter – Christian minister, missionary and international lecturer

Former Buddhist monk, now a minister, counselor and teacher. He worked for many years with Francis Schaeffer at L’Abri Fellowship, Switzerland and was the pastor of the Basel Christian Fellowship for 10 years. With his wife, Mary, he founded Eastern European Renewal (EER), an evangelical mission to Central and Eastern European countries.

Ellis Potter, a native Californian now residing in Switzerland, is a former Buddhist monk who became a Christian under the influence and ministry of the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer. Mr. Potter’s dramatic conversion came about as a direct result of several intense, personal discussions with Dr. Schaeffer during the turbulent seventies.

After his conversion in 1976, Mr. Potter worked on the staff of L’Abri Fellowship until 1991. L’Abri Fellowship is an evangelical residential study community, founded by Dr. Schaeffer. Students of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities come to the various branches of the fellowship with reasons as diverse as the students themselves. At L’Abri, all questions are taken seriously and respected and Biblical answers to life’s complexities are offered. As a worker in L’Abri, Mr. Potter counseled, lectured, taught and encouraged hundreds of students from all over the world. He has traveled extensively on all 5 continents for teaching and preaching in Churches, camps, conferences and Universities.

Mr. Potter’s unique background includes music and the arts, theology and philosophy, which qualifies him to lecture on a variety of subjects including the relevancy of Christianity to the arts and modern philosophical and social movements. He often lectures on a comparison of Biblical and other worldviews, seeking to establish the clear truth of God’s Word, and encourage peoples trust in it.

Ten years as a pastor of an international English speaking Church in Basel, Switzerland added much to Mr. Potter’s experience and skills in counseling, preaching and teaching. He is now working as an independent missionary, based in Basel and directing most of his attention and energies eastward to the newly free and developing nations of Central and Eastern Europe. He is often invited to lead conferences and workshops in various countries and is very comfortable working with translators.

źródło: http://www.ellispotter.com/about.html

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